Shark NV501 vs NV752 are two products that are taking the market by storm in a way that people don’t expect. They are both items that are “hunted” by many people and many customers are satisfied with their performance. I see a lot of comments and questions from people who have used them on e-commerce sites and see that they are highly rated. That’s why the daily sales are so high. Surely, they have outstanding features to “knock out” many other competitors, right?
Shark NV501 is one of Shark’s “thousand-blooded” warriors whose recognition has reached an amazing level. Many customers have been captivated by such a beautifully designed and responsive vacuum cleaner. It also “shows off” its cleaning ability with many superior features. Surely many customers want to take it home immediately because they love it so much.
Shark NV752 is also not subdued with its superior features. From its design to its performance, I think it will make everyone give a thumbs up immediately. I appreciate its super convenient two-way design, which makes users comfortable when using it. Moreover, I make sure that no pet owner can refuse to own a vacuum cleaner that can deal with pet hair on carpets and hard floors. Isn’t that great?
It would not be surprising if someone said that these two machines have many similarities. First, I want to mention HEPA filtration, sounds familiar, right? Almost all machines from Shark have it, very popular. In addition, I can confirm that they are both “beasts” that destroy dirt on hard floors with surprising efficiency. Besides, they have a beautiful design and weigh about 15 pounds, I do not find it too heavy. Most importantly, they can compete with products of the same level, not inferior to any competitor.
However, there are still different features of each type of machine that make people pay attention. I will reveal to everyone:
Included components
Both have LED lights and crevice tools to increase the ability to “pick up” dust and pet hair. Shark NV501 has a dusting brush compared to the power brush of Shark NV752, neither is inferior to the other. You should not underestimate them because each has its good points that will surprise you.
Surface recommendation
When comparing, I rate Shark NV501 will clean carpets better, which is quite suitable for people who have pets in the house. Really, even without pets, human hair is scattered all over the house and this machine will help you to “kill” it, right? I think this is a good idea to make your choice easier.
Filter type
The Shark NV501 uses a foam filter that is quite suitable and quite complete and has no faults. Meanwhile, it is easy to see that the design of the Shark NV752 has a HEPA filter that solves the problem that the Shark NV501 lacks, so it wins here. Don’t worry about whether they are good or not, just wait and see how well it works with these filters.
Cleaning path width and size
There is a contrast between the cleaning path width and hose length of both types. Specifically, the Shark NV501 has a hose length of up to 8.4 feet but a cleaning path width of only 9.5 inches according to the information provided by Amazon. The Shark NV752 is the opposite with parameters of 6 feet and 12 inches respectively. Therefore, neither is inferior, you should pay attention to what makes you satisfied rather than just looking at the technical specifications.
Price and rate
Truly, a lot of people care about price when buying, I’m sure, but with these two products, price is no longer an issue. On Amazon, both are high-end models with prices above $200, namely Shark NV501 – $259.00 and Shark NV752 – $319.99. They are both rated 4.5 out of 5 stars so I think price is not the sole deciding factor for customers. Some people like the smart white/red Shark NV501 while some are impressed with the super versatile Bordeaux Shark NV752.
Shark NV501
Shark NV752
In conclusion, I just want to share good products so that people can make the right choice, and these are two products that I think are worth it. They work well, and have great designs so the high price is acceptable. Your job is to “grab” whichever one you like and bring it home right away.